isn't great when you can turn on a certain song and just be brought back to a certain memory or a special place in time...Jimmy Buffett said that every song tells a story, but a great song brings you back to where you were when you first heard it...Music is such a personal experience....I work every night behind the bar and listen to the different songs that are being played and watch for the reaction that comes from the customers....mostly people stop and listen and then you can see that smile come across their faces as they sit back and enjoy the music....or sometimes the song has such meaning that they begin to sing and get the little had bob going...either way their mind has gone to a different place in time...Then there are those great nights when someone will play a song and everyone in the whole bar will just start can't help but smile because you know that when they hear that song again this is the memory that they will conjure up...and you are just happy to have been part of it..I have been part of a few of these nights when the whole bar is just having fun and singing, it's a great experience.
There are certain people who can walk up to the jukebox and just know how to play music to the crowd....they can look around see who is there and play for them..those are the nights that are so much fun...then there are those idiots that walk up to the jukebox and play music for self don't get me wrong I know that music is a very personal thing...but if you are going to walk up to the jukebox and play 16 songs by Godsmack and AC/DC chances are nobody is going to be having much fun except for you...and I am pretty certain that you probably cleared out half the friggin bar so thank you very much shithead for making me loose money...Save your heavy metal make my want to kill myself death wish for your car please and thank you..then there are those people that are crying over their shot of whiskey and play the music that puts everyone to sleep and makes them want again kill themselves because they are now so friggin sad listening to every friggin sappy flipping love song known to them I say just go jump off a friggin bridge because it's not going to get better anyway and you might as well just end it now and put everyone out the misery of listening to your endless stories of heartbreak...o wait I'm sorry sir is this place where as a bartnder I am supoosed to give a shit about what you were just talking about because I wasn't fucking what do you want to drink dumbass!!!!
Working in a college bar I have had the opportunity to watch so many people through different phases in their lives...It has been a pleasure for the most part and I have made some amazing friends...that I would never have met because the age difference is so significant...with that said when we first opened at Sidelines there was a particular group of guys that would come in every Thursday night as it was guys night out....they would drink their faces off, play great music and tip great...some of these guys are my best friends now...they have mostly moved on, some moved away, some got married, and I have been privileged to go to some of their weddings and see their babies being born, but they still come in once in awhile and it makes me smile...Well last Monday night I was working and I saw the same group of guys in a new generation of was a weird time warp experience for me...They were singing and drinking and having such a great time it made me realize... time and music can bring you back, and for this new group of special friends they were making the memories to these songs, and I was happy to be part of it...people change but the music always stays the same...
I want to rock you gypsy soul....just like way back in the days old and we sail into the mystic....PEACE OUT BABY!!!
1 comment:
So very true Michelle! Hopefully I am still one of the good customers - playing music I like, never too down. Though lately you know who has been asking me to play a lot of Traffic, which we both love, but not sure about the rest of the bar. Sorry... We love you!
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