So my daughter's talent show went great. They did awesome!!
Ok so I got up this morning and went to a softball clinic to learn how to coach little girls to play softball. Only to find out that everything that I ever learned to how to do regarding softball was totally wrong. I was always a great hitter, but come to find out it was because I was not standing properly and I was casting. Casting is when you swing to early and connect with the ball too late. So the clinic director put me in the right stance and now according to him I am a power hitter. LMAO!!! I am grateful that I am only an assistant coach because if I had to do this by myself I would fail miserably. As it goes I am pretty sure that I am in way over my head...
I am trying to figure out why my children do not have the ability to sit and entertain themselves with the thousands of dollars of toys that they own. Instead they continue to annoy each other and get into trouble. My son wants to do everything that his sister is doing. And she for the most part does not want to play with him because 4 years in between them is a giant difference. It aggravates me to no avail. I can't stand telling them to be nice to each other. I can't stand listening to them argue. So what do you do?
I remember when I was little, I was sent outside with my cousins and told don't come in until the street lights come on. We always had fun playing stupid things. We didn't need toys, we used our imaginations. What happened to the days of kids just going outside and digging a hole with a stick. or swinging on a swing until you reached the sky. or playing hide n seek. If I told my mom that I was bored, she would just laugh at me and tell me to find something to do...I think that there are too many things that are used to entertain kids today. They need to used their imaginations more and stop driving me NUTSO!!!
where do I begin?..ok lets work backwards
I believe the lack of imagination in children starts and ends with the television. yes, putting the kids in front of the tv gives you a well deserved break in the day u need and keeps the kids quiet and out of ya hair. but what it is it really doing?
this might be tough to swallow but it has been studied and found to be fact by such people as freud, icke, watts, jung to name a few. t.v. is used to control our (american) children. they call it "the dumbing of america" or mind control. kids sit in front of the t.v. innocently and watch spongebob, tom n jerry, disney etc.but what are they really seeing? the concious mind see colorful clothes and cool little creatues doing funny dances and great story boards such as disney movies but what about the subconcious mind. the part of the brain that is subliminally affected and slowly leaks to the conscious mind, which affects their everyday decisions and actions. here is an example that is many subliminal mesages in disney movies. a preist poppin a boner in the little mermaid, alladin tellin little kids to pull down their pants, the clouds in lion king clearly spelling the word sex, etc. these are very very real and picked up by our kids subconcious mind. again, which will down the road affect our conscious mind. in this video, a macdonalds logo is flashed on the screen in the spongebob cartoon, again seems harmless but it isnt. these ads are tactically placed their for obvious reason in this case. this video is the scariest, it shows the masonic symbol for devilworship, why does it work? because this symbol will be seen by the kids thousands of times over their lives, all u have to do is look on a dollar bill, subconciously linking it with devil worship. these messages are put in cartoon, disney movies, and commercials again to affect the subconscious mind that work on our direct needs, such as food, clothes, safety, sex, etc. which eventually or immediatley make us react/children react a certain way. you ever wonder how or where you kids got certain words from or phrases, or a sudden urge for food n such. that is mind control at work. i know its sounds far fetched, and im sure u have heard of these things before, but its very real, and with tv at a high point and a big part of kids lives these days (300 channels, on demand, dvd's, video games etc.) it is a billion dollar business. they hire professionals to strategically place these messages there, why? because it works and is profitable, sales show it. and on a higher scale besides money, there is power. power of forced religion on children, sex, profanity, evil. studies have shown these messages in cartoons lead to nightmares, bad language, and sex at early ages. why? because in 1 hour of a cartoon your children are watching spongebob, disney, etc. but what they are SEEING is the devil, phalic messages, religious symbols (upside down cross, 666, etc) anything embedded in a childs mind that much and that often will consciously affect the mind. these are all facts and have been studied by doctors and professionals in this field. its very scarey. we wonder why our children have lack of imagination, its because the t.v. is producing it for them. also time spent in front of the tv is less time they spend outside being creative and experiencing lifes paradoxes (sp)...imagine if we had video games, gameboys, and tv like the kids do now a days. we wouldnt of rolled down a hill for 2 hours and played runaways as much thats for sure. april 20th - 27th is national no tv week for children, good luck with that. their slogan is " take back your kids" meaning from the t.v/mind control/gov....sorry to rant about that buts its a deep topic..
also good luck with coaching. teach the kids to have fun and do their homework. so wether win or lose they have a great time and get good grades, u will always be remebered for that..good luck
try the batting cages on 114. they have slow pitch softball. take the kids.
that was definitely a rant and half...and my kids are not babysat by the tv ever....
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